
GLOBE (guest)

Welcome to ISNS-state of neonatal screening.

With the 'Globe' button you will start a moveable globe. Use your mouse to manipulate the globe and scroll to zoom in and out.
Click on the green dot in the continent to see continent data and neonatal screening data (screening panel, percentage coverage, population and number of birth).

Need more detailed information? Become a member and get all data on country level. of

  • annual number of laboratories per country
  • annual number of samples per laboratory
  • information on consent, sample storage, funding,
  • collection card paper, LIMS system,
  • sampling time, parent information

A full account of sources will follow. This dataset is established using publicly available data, data provided by colleagues around the world and the generous support of manufacturers of screening supplies. Population data are from https://www.worldometers.info/ and https://ourworldindata.org/

To add or change data: send an email to office-manager@isns-neoscreening.org.
Contact for information: office-manager@isns-neoscreening.org